Varicose Veins

Are you suffering from

varicose veins or spider veins?

Did you know there is a non-surgical and non-invasive method of varicose vein treatment? 

At Aqua Soul Med Spa we use the GentleMax Pro™ laser to reduce the appearance of varicose veins and spider veins, with maximum comfort. 



common questions

"What causes varicose veins and spider veins?"

Varicose veins are caused by insufficient blood flow in your vascular system, where superficial veins are located, near your skin layer. You may have heard them referred to as spider veins, which are actually a milder form of varicose veins. Spider veins are smaller, and might be shaped like a spider web. Large amounts of blood cells can collect around these veins, and since the oxygen content is low in this blood, blue or purple lines can appear through your skin. 

Spider veins may also appear as red and can even impact the skin on your face. Whereas varicose veins most commonly appear in the legs, but they may show up on other parts of the body as well.

"How does laser varicose vein treatment work?

Laser vein reduction, also known as superficial vein removal, uses a powerful dual laser to get blood flowing through other paths in your venous system. Excess blood vessels are removed as the GentleMax Pro™ helps the blood pump strongly against the force of gravity. This is truly the gentlest and most efficient way to treat varicose veins. You might even think of it like a "laser facial"!

ready to take control

of your varicose veins and spider veins?

Book your first laser vein removal appointment and prepare to say goodbye to varicose and spider veins today.