

For clients seeking a treatment to revitalize and refresh the appearance of aged, fuzzy, or sun-damaged skin, Dermaplaning is a customizable and non-invasive treatment. Get an instant glow!


A stainless-steel surgical tool is used to remove 2-3 weeks of built-up skin cells and vellus facial hair. During your procedure, we will use a scalpel to carefully exfoliate the outer layers of dead skin cells and remove fine facial hair (vellus hair, “peach fuzz”). Because of the fine, soft structural composition of vellus hair, removing it will not make it grow in thicker or coarser.

Benefits of Dermaplaning

The exfoliation and hair removal can leave your skin brighter and smoother. The treatment may soften fine lines and wrinkles and ease hyperpigmentation, or uneven skin tone. It’s also used to treat deep acne scars. How well it works really depends on your skin type, tone, and medical history.

Risks and Side Effects

Most people have little to no irritation or reaction. Short-term side effects may include:

  • Red and swollen skin from the scraping
  • Soreness
  • A burning or tingling sensation for about 48 hours after the procedure

It’s not common for your hair to grow back thicker or darker. But in rare cases, dark hair may grow near your chin or “sideburns.”

Dermaplaning isn’t recommended if you have inflammatory skin conditions such as:

Dermaplaning facial price will be $140.00 includes hydro jelly mask

Add on towards any other facial will be $80.00