3 Mindsets to Improve Body Image

Aqua Soul Med Spa

3 Mindsets To Improve Body Image

Looking to improve your body image? Consider what subject comes to mind first when thinking about body image. I’m betting that body size quickly rises to the top. Possibly next, is eating disorders and the body comparisons that come so easily now with social media.

Body-positivity is a high trending topic right now, branching off the popularized terms “self-love” and “self-care”. Still, what comes to mind first when you hear the term body-positive?

Again- size. We think about our weight, our curves (or lack of curves), and our personal ability to celebrate what we have.

Although feeling positive about your body size and shape is a great ambition, you might feel like it’s a tall order. But rather than judging the movement, let’s try something new: Take body shape and size out of the equation. For a moment, let’s forget about it. Let's consider these 3 ways to improve our mindset and body image.

1. Acknowledge your body’s significance with gratitude.  

A popular concept across religions, is that the body is seen as home or temple to your soul and/or spirit. In whatever way you look at it, your body houses you. This means that your body matters. It’s the vessel that carries you through life.

Begin by acknowledging your body as the home that carries you. This means it isn’t irrelevant and it deserves both credit and care. You only have one body through which you get to experience life and love.

When you experience illness or injury, it’s usually after you’re healed that you appreciate your body and health the most. Yet you likely experience the benefits of living in a body that can see, hear, touch, taste, and move every day. Not everyone gets to live in a body like that. For every day, and every part of your body that allows you to pursue life and happiness, practice acknowledging your body with gratitude. What a gift!

2. Remember that although your physical body is significant, it is not where you find all your self-worth.

People with a negative body image, probably also have poor self-image. That is, they don’t place a high value on their worth. Often, this reflects in poor self-care- poor nutrition, sleep, and possibly even hygiene. If you are struggling with poor body image, consider digging deeper. Focus more on what’s inside, and you will experience change in the way you view and treat what’s on the outside.

Confidence needs to begin on the inside. It’s in the messages you tell yourself each day, and even the way you allow others to treat you. Many people start diet and exercise programs without first tackling what’s broken on a personal level.

If this is a struggle for you, you might want to consider reading some good books or listening to podcasts on the topic of self-image and confidence. You may even consider finding a counsellor, therapist, or life coach in Chilliwack to talk things through with.

3. Be kind to your body as you would be to a friend.

Our bodies change as surely as life changes. Babies, stress, age, and hormones are just a few of the things that have an enormous impact on our bodies. Would you ever hold that against a friend? Of course not. So why do you hold it against yourself?

When we go through difficult seasons, so do our bodies. This means our bodies and minds need patience and care. Our bodies don’t need to be punished with negative thoughts, but they do need to be tended to, even when (perhaps especially when) life is hard. It’s so easy to fall into neglecting our bodies during times of stress. But remember- gentle movement, a walk, and eating some fresh foods, is a way to show your body love during hard times.

When you put effort into strengthening or improving the health of your body, acknowledge that effort. You are doing what is good for you, even if you don’t see “results”. So many benefits of self-care are invisible, but very important to developing improved body image.

Instead of criticizing, celebrate. When you move away from focusing on size, you can celebrate victories in movement and abilities. Keeping your body strong and functional is a far better focus than keeping it “small”.

At Aqua Soul Med Spa in Chilliwack, our mission is to help improve your confidence. Treating yourself to a facial, massage or pedicure feels great, and is a wonderful way to practice self-care. Some people feel improved confidence and body image after receiving laser hair removal, laser skin rejuvenation treatments, or having their varicose veins treated. The caring staff at our wellness spa are here to come alongside you in your journey, helping you feel your best in whatever way is meaningful to you.

We hope to see you soon!

in need of some self-care time?

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